Ÿ Personal View

- Have you ever refused to appear on TV?
In the beginning, yes. Midway in my career, I didn't mind occasional TV appearances and I was asked to appear on TV when my song 'Shojo' was released. But I had no intention of appearing at that time. People have said that one's image can become tarnished after appearing on TV.

- What do you think are the advantages of cable TV
When cable first started, the biggest advantage was being able to watch movies any time you wanted. Since I have children and I have to stay at home to take care of them, cable TV is one way for me to keep in touch with what is going on in the world. But there are not any exciting music programs shown on any channels including cable TV these days. If I had to describe the state of TV today, I'd say it was like 'a thin tea', no substance. I think that it will take time for something new to come about.

- When did you start to feel that way?
Looking at things in the world including Japan, I feel that there haven't been any great developments in music recently. I don't know when I started feeling it, but it's not a recent feeling. I've had it for quite some time now. There are a few nice melodic songs, but they won't last. All the recently popular songs sound the same. But people listen to those songs so they become popular as do the singers who sing them. When I think of the motivation for people to listen to that kind of music, I would say it is because the songs are compatible with their sense of the music. But ultimately the individual songs are very temporal. A perfectly written song is not for one time period. It lasts forever.

- What would you say is Mayumi Itsuwa's life ambition?
Retirement! No kidding.(laughing)If saying makes it so, what I do and my career could become one. I could say I don't have any more aspirations. (laughing) But I do want to write good songs, songs that will be appreciated in and of themselves, that will stand on their own forever and will be listened to anywhere at any time, long after I'm gone. I cannot write songs that transcend limitations if I have a preconceived intention of doing that. I don't even know yet what kind of songs they are. So I think I should just do it and let the ideas come to me naturally in their own time. It is not easy, though. The timing has to be just right.

- I guess you often had such ideas, but have you enjoyed your career of 20 years?
Yes, I am glad I did this. I didn't devote myself solely to my music, but to other things like marriage and having children as well. That's why I can appreciate it.

